Compliance Governance

Our leadership team’s unwavering commitment to ethical and sustainable business practices is reinforced through robust policies and procedures. We foster a compliance culture through annual communication, training, and third-party monitoring, ensuring our values permeate every aspect of our operations.

Our comprehensive framework includes key policies such as the Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy, Code of Conduct and Ethics, Whistleblowing Policy, and diligent supplier screening processes. These measures collectively uphold our commitment to integrity and transparency throughout our operations.


At Greatech, we recognize that sustainability is an ongoing journey that requires continuous assessment and improvement. We are committed to identifying and mitigating sustainability risks while actively closing the gap between our current practices and our desired sustainability goals.

To ensure a comprehensive understanding of our sustainability performance, we conduct regular assessments of our operations and practices. These assessments encompass a range of sustainability dimensions, including environmental impact, social responsibility, and economic resilience. By conducting thorough evaluations, we identify potential risks and areas for improvement, allowing us to take proactive measures to address them.

Our continuous assessment process involves stakeholders’ engagement at all levels of our organization. We encourage open dialogue and collaboration to gather insights and perspectives on sustainability-related issues. This engagement helps us identify emerging risks, stay informed about evolving industry trends, and align our sustainability strategies with stakeholder expectations.

We updated our materiality assessment to identify and incorporate material ESG factors that may significantly impact the Group’s business or influence the decisions of our stakeholders based on Bursa Securities’ Common Sustainability Matters. The 11 material sustainability areas for Greatech are illustrated in the materiality matrix below:

To close the gap between our current practices and our sustainability goals, we implement targeted improvement initiatives. These initiatives are designed to address identified risks, enhance our sustainability performance, and drive positive change throughout our operations. We set measurable targets and timelines to track our progress, ensuring accountability and transparency in our improvement efforts.

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