21 12月 Malaysia power house – Greatech
Dato EK Tan feel grateful as a power house of E&E – the STAR reported 17th December 2022.
With the continuous aggressive growing towards globalisation, Greatech has bring positive impact on supply chain ecosystem.
A leader looks beyond pure profit and help the greater community as a whole. As among the seven Malaysian companies listed under Forbes Asia’s Best Under A Billion 2022 list.
A culture of Giving is now engrained into Greatechies with the establishment of Great Care Committee (GCC) under CSR initiative.
Exceptional contribution in ESG drive, Dato EK Tan appreciated receiving recognition from The Edge ESG Awards 2022, AMMI ESH Awards 2022, IET Malaysia Industry Excellence Platinum Award 2022, the Minority Shareholder Watch Group’s MWSG-ASEAN Corporate Governance Award 2021 and the 2021 Asean Corporate Governance Scorecard Award.
His personal project “Bring Hope A Home” is set to kick off in 2025 and underscores how much he care about Greatechies’s welfare besides career development.