17 7月 Greatech has successfully remained at the top 25% amongst PLCs in FBM EMAS as assessed by FTSE Russel for June 2023!
Greatech had been added to the constituents of both FTSE4Good Bursa Malaysia (“F4GBM”) and FTSE4Good Bursa Malaysia Shariah (“F4GBMS”) Indexes back in June 2022 and granted a 4-stars status in the December 2022 annual review, which demonstrated our commitment in our ESG practices.
We are now proud to announce that for the 2nd straight year, Greatech has been accredited a 4-stars rating by FTSE Russell in the June 2023 semi-annual review, placing us among the top 25% by ESG Ratings amongst PLCs in FBM EMAS that have been assessed by FTSE Russell. This further demonstrated our strong commitment in continuously driving our sustainability focus throughout our workplace and daily operations.